Monday, June 8, 2009

Art Challenge 2

Thanks to everyone who uploaded their work for the first art challenge! I really enjoyed seeing what came in. The thinking behind the challenge came from EA's Visceral Games who are devolping a game based on Inferno, from the Divine Comedy ( ). What classic is now safe from game designers? ;)

~Art Challenge #2~
Take a look at the previous post on using children's scribbles as a shape for a creature. Try it yourself ... if you don't have a child handy, do your own scribbles but do them fast and don't think much of what you're doing otherwise you'll defeat the purpose of the challenge. Submissions should include both scribble and finished work.

That's it - do with this as you will. This 'challenge' isn't a competition! It's a personal challenge, an opportunity for practice and to have a laugh. Your post can be as simple or finished as you like.


  1. good idea. Its a way I have been working for a long time. You can get some very exciting and fresh shapes that can be turned into creatures or whatever. One problem is as soon as you start thinking about it, you lose it, You become too aware of trying to make something good and hence direct your scribble towards something you have already imagined.

  2. couldnt agree more. We have all these preconceived shapes and forms in our minds so true creativity is such a hard thing to achieve. It will be really interesting to see what people come up with for this one.

  3. I have that problem ... seizing up from the outset instead of slowly turning on the creative tap and going into zen no-mind mode and finding something original. I find the best parts of my work are often the happy accidents.
