Saturday, May 30, 2009

Alice in

Not finished obviously, so if I get more time I'll just re-upload and replace this pic. Anyway just a quick sketch for a grown up alice who might be trying to pay her way through college ;)

Any critique would be appreciated, particularly on form/volume.

Look forward to seeing what you other guys come up with for the first challenge :P

1 comment:

  1. Nice one - classic cheesecake! :) Congrats on being the first poster on the challenge! This pic be easy to invert and throw some colours down.
    If I was to crit the form I'd say she's compressing a little towards the top - you've given her legs lots of room but the head feels a little crunched up there (did you start at the legs and work up?). I didn't measure but perhaps use the eight heads high rule to make sure of your proportions. So I'm thinking the head might look a little small, or the hair could be more volumous. There's copies of Danger Girl sketchbook floating around for great samples of female anatomy/drawing ... maybe that back foot could get a little more perspective or angle?
