Fuled by the rage of his failed novel, Tyranobotipus uses the unsold pages to give his victims nasty paper cuts before squeezing lemon juice into the wound. He is so evil that he even killed two innocent bunnies and made slippers out of them so that you could not hear him coming.
No one really knows where this formidable, headless evil comes from, perhaps the body of a long-forgotten prisoner hanging on this monster's neck can give his doomed opponents some clue. He will cut off his victim's head and carry them around like a trophy. He will not stop unless the last monster's head in the universe, is in his hand.
This airborne nightmare injects enough venom in one sting to kill two hundred thousand mice. He also has loads of eyes, and carries a minigun at all times. Key words: violent, remorseless, belligerent.belligerent
Bulwark can withstand a barrage of assaults, it takes alot to bring this veteran down. His opponents do tire then one focused and powerful jab will usually do the trick. If this tactic fails, Bulwark will easily stand a few rounds toe to toe against the best of them.
Steve is the product of a secret military program to fuse a human with an echidna. Steve was horribly aged and disfigured in the process. He now only comes out at night to dwell on people's front porches, peering through their windows for a glimpse at the weather channel. He has a deep desire to destroy all young whippersnappers....bloody youngin's... with their pacman's and their 8 track tapes!
Grimlor is haunted by a past life of torment where hanging by the flesh from meathooks was a daily ritual. When relaxating, Grimlor can be seen drifting through the air, bound to this past life, he finds no rest from his ancestors torture. The memory of this pain is strong, in the arena it courses through his veins and powers every attack with unrelenting rage, Grimlor is an opponent to be feared. He also has boob spears.
Crablor is a true monster, born of the shattered dreams of men it knows only the will to destroy. It does not understand the concept of fight, the words win and lose mean nothing. Its sole purpose is to destroy everything in its path, to not do this, Crablor will simply not be. Other monsters only exist because they have yet to meet Crablor!!!
Meet the reptiloid king. The leader of the Lizard People that dwell under the earths surface. The Reptiloid King has been mistaken by religous groups as the devil!
Character model ive started in zbrush after playin around with 3d coats voxels. I didnt like it much but good idea. Posting this for fun and to keep me motivated. Enjoy!
This is where we show off our goods! Concepting, Illustration, Painting, Modelling, Zbush, Photography, Inspiration, Game Art ... discussion and critiques! Theme Challenge of the Week!